Monday, April 5, 2010

Hello Again

Wow this blog has been wrongfully forgotten for far too long. Well I'm changing that, like now. Now I just have to have a project to talk about and we'll be all set.

Oh, I know. I've started to re-learn knitting so I've decided to do a bunch of squares and make a blanket. It probably won't be pretty, and it will be slow going, but it will be mine. This will also be a good way to get rid of some of my leftover yarn from other projects I've crocheted.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shaking off the dust

I haven't been crafting so much the past few months. I simply wasn't able to but with the fall here and the winter coming I seem to have a little more time on my hands to catch up on all the projects I have been wanting to finish and start.

I would also like to note I've started needle point again. In fact my current project is a cross stitch. It's a gift for someone so I should have finished this week and then hopefully I can post pictures soon.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting the New Year with Yarn

I was feeling a little sick for New Years so I skipped the partying and choose to stay home with the family. Which my guy loved because he wasn't feeling up to going out either.

It gave me a chance to finally finish the skull pillow. I'll be posting pictures as soon as I find batteries for my camera. It turned out a little bigger then expected but I love it.

I also joined a crochet-a-long on Ravelry. Basically every month a pattern for a 12 inch square is picked and everyone one in the group who wants to does it. There is also a 6 inch square and an extra 12 inch square for filler. The second 12 inch is also part of another site's crochet-a-long.

So at the end of the year I'm going to have a huge blanket and a small one or a really large blanket, or three blankets. I'm not sure yet and I probably won't make up my mind until the end of the year.

Friday, November 21, 2008

And now back to work

Between work, family, and then it being National Novel Writing Month I haven't been crocheting much. It's a very sad thing for me because I have been looking at patterns and just itching to create some of them for my very own use.

Hopefully since I'm trying to budget my time better I'll be able to get back to work. I just have to make sure I don't over so it and hurt my wrist again.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Skull Pillow

I've somehow lost my case with all my crochet hooks in it so I haven't started on the hats yet. I only have the hook I'm using on my current work in progress, the purple skull pillow, and I've come with a photo of my wip ( work in progress).

I must thank the person who took the time to make the chart I'm using to create this pillow. They converted it from a knit pattern to a tapestry crochet pattern. This is the first tapestry project I've ever tried and thanks to them it's been a success so far.

I'm only finished the part covered by their pattern. I'm in the middle of making the back panel, then I'll make the edging and stuff it. I'm still thinking about if I'll use this as the case and make an inserted pillow with stuffing and fabric or if I'll just stuff the crocheted panels and put them together.

This is what I have so far....
Please click the title of this blog to see the pattern I used.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On hold

I had to put the blanket on hold for now. I've sadly had a bunch of stuff going on and I don't have the time to put it all together right now. It something that's very disappointing but I hope to fix soon.

So until then I'm working on smaller projects.

I've started on a pillow using a tapestry crochet pattern, hopefully I'll be making a few for on the couch during the long winter movie/video game playing nights.

I'm also making a few hats because it snowed yesterday and made me realize we need hats.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I got sidetracked

I'm still working on the blanket, it's officially late now but I've been forgiven. I came down with a nasty flu and was unable to work on it so it's not like it was just my slowness that caused the delay.

To make matters worse I ran out of one of my colors and I only had two more stars to make in that shade. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. Since I still have a good amount of stars to make with my other shade I might wait until they're all done before going out and buying more yarn. If I have enough I might just make two extra in the darker shade of blue.