Friday, November 21, 2008

And now back to work

Between work, family, and then it being National Novel Writing Month I haven't been crocheting much. It's a very sad thing for me because I have been looking at patterns and just itching to create some of them for my very own use.

Hopefully since I'm trying to budget my time better I'll be able to get back to work. I just have to make sure I don't over so it and hurt my wrist again.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Skull Pillow

I've somehow lost my case with all my crochet hooks in it so I haven't started on the hats yet. I only have the hook I'm using on my current work in progress, the purple skull pillow, and I've come with a photo of my wip ( work in progress).

I must thank the person who took the time to make the chart I'm using to create this pillow. They converted it from a knit pattern to a tapestry crochet pattern. This is the first tapestry project I've ever tried and thanks to them it's been a success so far.

I'm only finished the part covered by their pattern. I'm in the middle of making the back panel, then I'll make the edging and stuff it. I'm still thinking about if I'll use this as the case and make an inserted pillow with stuffing and fabric or if I'll just stuff the crocheted panels and put them together.

This is what I have so far....
Please click the title of this blog to see the pattern I used.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On hold

I had to put the blanket on hold for now. I've sadly had a bunch of stuff going on and I don't have the time to put it all together right now. It something that's very disappointing but I hope to fix soon.

So until then I'm working on smaller projects.

I've started on a pillow using a tapestry crochet pattern, hopefully I'll be making a few for on the couch during the long winter movie/video game playing nights.

I'm also making a few hats because it snowed yesterday and made me realize we need hats.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I got sidetracked

I'm still working on the blanket, it's officially late now but I've been forgiven. I came down with a nasty flu and was unable to work on it so it's not like it was just my slowness that caused the delay.

To make matters worse I ran out of one of my colors and I only had two more stars to make in that shade. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. Since I still have a good amount of stars to make with my other shade I might wait until they're all done before going out and buying more yarn. If I have enough I might just make two extra in the darker shade of blue.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Time is running out

For some reason it didn't click in until now that it's September and I need to finish this blanket fairly quickly. It's almost time for me to be giving it to the guy for our anniversary. Since I have only 25 out of 80 blocks done plus there is the assembly to deal with I may be cutting it close.

Yes, I know I'm slow.

I'm also planning on starting a cardigan soon due to the cooler weather coming. I found a nice pattern so now I just got to pick a yarn and hope that I can actually crochet well enough that when I'm done it will look like a cardigan and not a mess. Both arms the same length and everything.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Books and an Update

I've finished about 20 1/2 out of the 80 blocks I need for Underneath the Stars. I haven't been able to sit down long enough to do more. Hopefully that will change this weekend.

I should also be taking pictures of one block in each of the colors to post. I'll also post the original pattern for the block or the link, I just need to double check what the designer's wishes are regarding the sharing of the pattern. Then explain what I ended up changing.

Moving on...

Today when I was browsing Ravely for new patterns I realized that I have very few pattern books. I mainly only have ones I was given as a gift.

I guess this isn't a huge problem. There are tons of free patterns on the internet and a lot of designers give you the option to buy their patterns online and I will gladly buy from them. It's also nice to be able to just buy patterns you want and not have to pay for the ones you have no use for.

But I must admit sometimes it's nice to have a book you can take with you when you're working on projects away from home.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Underneath The Stars

I started making a blanket about two weeks ago. It's a gift for my guy for our anniversary and I've calling it Underneath the Stars.

I'm making it with 40 8inch light blue star shaped block, 40 8inch star blocks in a darker blue, and then putting them all together with a nice navy blue. It's for a queen sized bed but I'm purposely making it bigger for cuddle time on the couch.

The odd thing is, I started with a pattern for the blocks and they were supposed to be square. I messed up somewhere and they ended up keeping the star shape. I figured out where I went wrong and tried the regular shape, but I like the stars better and they suit the title.

I'll post some pics soon.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nintendo DS Case

My guy needed a case for his DS so that it didn't get too banged up when it wasn't in use. So he asked me if I could make him one.

I tired a few patterns I found online but they didn't turn out that great. I ended up just winging it. Luckily it worked out fairly good so I made one for myself as well. Mine is plum but I haven't taken a photo yet. Everything but the color is the same. I used a recycled cotton yarn I found on sale at Wal Mart.

This was made with single and half double crochet stitches. Then for the little fastener tab it was all single stitch. As you can see I finished it off with a penguin button.

I think it turned nicely.

A small introduction

I needed somewhere to post about my tiny addiction to playing with yarn. Since I don't share my personal blog with many people I figured it couldn't hurt to have one just for this. Perhaps a few other things will trickle into here.

Mainly I try to crochet but I'm also trying to re-learn how to knit. Try being the operative word. I have a yarn stash that's slowly taking over the closet of the spare bedroom of my house, my family is planning an intervention. Slowly I'm starting to finish the projects I start.