Sunday, October 26, 2008

Skull Pillow

I've somehow lost my case with all my crochet hooks in it so I haven't started on the hats yet. I only have the hook I'm using on my current work in progress, the purple skull pillow, and I've come with a photo of my wip ( work in progress).

I must thank the person who took the time to make the chart I'm using to create this pillow. They converted it from a knit pattern to a tapestry crochet pattern. This is the first tapestry project I've ever tried and thanks to them it's been a success so far.

I'm only finished the part covered by their pattern. I'm in the middle of making the back panel, then I'll make the edging and stuff it. I'm still thinking about if I'll use this as the case and make an inserted pillow with stuffing and fabric or if I'll just stuff the crocheted panels and put them together.

This is what I have so far....
Please click the title of this blog to see the pattern I used.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On hold

I had to put the blanket on hold for now. I've sadly had a bunch of stuff going on and I don't have the time to put it all together right now. It something that's very disappointing but I hope to fix soon.

So until then I'm working on smaller projects.

I've started on a pillow using a tapestry crochet pattern, hopefully I'll be making a few for on the couch during the long winter movie/video game playing nights.

I'm also making a few hats because it snowed yesterday and made me realize we need hats.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I got sidetracked

I'm still working on the blanket, it's officially late now but I've been forgiven. I came down with a nasty flu and was unable to work on it so it's not like it was just my slowness that caused the delay.

To make matters worse I ran out of one of my colors and I only had two more stars to make in that shade. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. Since I still have a good amount of stars to make with my other shade I might wait until they're all done before going out and buying more yarn. If I have enough I might just make two extra in the darker shade of blue.