Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shaking off the dust

I haven't been crafting so much the past few months. I simply wasn't able to but with the fall here and the winter coming I seem to have a little more time on my hands to catch up on all the projects I have been wanting to finish and start.

I would also like to note I've started needle point again. In fact my current project is a cross stitch. It's a gift for someone so I should have finished this week and then hopefully I can post pictures soon.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting the New Year with Yarn

I was feeling a little sick for New Years so I skipped the partying and choose to stay home with the family. Which my guy loved because he wasn't feeling up to going out either.

It gave me a chance to finally finish the skull pillow. I'll be posting pictures as soon as I find batteries for my camera. It turned out a little bigger then expected but I love it.

I also joined a crochet-a-long on Ravelry. Basically every month a pattern for a 12 inch square is picked and everyone one in the group who wants to does it. There is also a 6 inch square and an extra 12 inch square for filler. The second 12 inch is also part of another site's crochet-a-long.

So at the end of the year I'm going to have a huge blanket and a small one or a really large blanket, or three blankets. I'm not sure yet and I probably won't make up my mind until the end of the year.